It stares at you defiantly, and you stare back wondering what is emptier; the blank page or the brain attempting to fill it. You rack your brain trying to think of the perfect sentence to begin your paper. The truth is, there is no perfect line. "Once upon a time" is too cliche; "the man entered the room" is to postmodern. Everything else appears boring. But in truth, that only reveals your boring imagination. "That stubborn goat had a blue tail..." Now there is a story I would read.
It is the end of week seven and all that is left is a week of final exams. Time is like a rug that is pulled from under you. You are left rubbing your rear end and wondering where it went. But there is no point in looking back regretfully. Forget the pain, remember the lessons learned from mistakes, and hold on to those dear moments that changed your life. After that, look ahead and change the future. I always thought that was a funny sentence; how can you change something that hasn't happened?
As you get older, you begin to see your life as a large roll of fabric with a mysterious pattern that you are trying to figure out. The more you unroll, the more you understand and the wiser you become. But it unrolls so slowly. We must be impatient, however, since every moment is a gift and worth living in.
Enough platitudes, let's get this baby off the air and actually do something with what I'm writing.
Finals' week, these are the times to try men's souls. Being a couple days before it begins is like standing in front of a precipice you know you must charge into. It's dark and you somehow need to make it to the other side. You search you puny frame for valor. When that doesn't work, you look up and mutter a quick prayer, promising to be a good boy the rest of your life if you make it to the other side alive.
OK, it's not that bad, but it's fun to imagine so. I shall charge into that darkness, slay the beasts within it, and rise triumphantly on the other side, waving a victory flag.
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